
Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream Portraits of American Genius eBook Greg Sarris Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen CMU

Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream Portraits of American Genius eBook Greg Sarris Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen NJO

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Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream Portraits of American Genius eBook Greg Sarris NJO

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  • A world-renowned Pomo basket weaver and medicine woman, Mabel McKay expressed her genius through her celebrated baskets, her Dreams, her cures, and the stories with which she kept her culture alive. She spent her life teaching others how the spirit speaks through the Dream, how the spirit heals, and how the spirit demands to be heard.

    Greg Sarris weaves together stories from Mabel McKay's life with an account of how he tried, and she resisted, telling her story straight—the white people's way. Sarris, an Indian of mixed-blood heritage, finds his own story in his search for Mabel McKay's. Beautifully narrated, Weaving the Dream initiates the reader into Pomo culture and demonstrates how a woman who worked most of her life in a cannery could become a great healer and an artist whose baskets were collected by the Smithsonian.

    Hearing Mabel McKay's life story, we see that distinctions between material and spiritual and between mundane and magical disappear. What remains is a timeless way of healing, of making art, and of being in the world.
    ebook,Greg Sarris,Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream (Portraits of American Genius),University of California Press,American - General,American - General,American history,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Indigenous peoples,Literary Criticism,Literary Criticism / American / General,Native Americans,North America,Spinning weaving,Textile artworks,Weaving,Literary Criticism / American / General,Native Americans,Biography / Autobiography,Weaving,Literary Criticism,Biography/Autobiography,American history,Biography Autobiography,Indigenous peoples,Spinning weaving,Textile artworks

    Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream Portraits of American Genius eBook Greg Sarris Reviews :

    A world-renowned Pomo basket weaver and medicine woman, Mabel McKay expressed her genius through her celebrated baskets, her Dreams, her cures, and the stories with which she kept her culture alive. She spent her life teaching others how the spirit speaks through the Dream, how the spirit heals, and how the spirit demands to be heard.

    Greg Sarris weaves together stories from Mabel McKay's life with an account of how he tried, and she resisted, telling her story straight—the white people's way. Sarris, an Indian of mixed-blood heritage, finds his own story in his search for Mabel McKay's. Beautifully narrated, Weaving the Dream initiates the reader into Pomo culture and demonstrates how a woman who worked most of her life in a cannery could become a great healer and an artist whose baskets were collected by the Smithsonian.

    Hearing Mabel McKay's life story, we see that distinctions between material and spiritual and between mundane and magical disappear. What remains is a timeless way of healing, of making art, and of being in the world.

    ebook,Greg Sarris,Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream (Portraits of American Genius),University of California Press,American - General,American - General,American history,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Indigenous peoples,Literary Criticism,Literary Criticism / American / General,Native Americans,North America,Spinning weaving,Textile artworks,Weaving,Literary Criticism / American / General,Native Americans,Biography / Autobiography,Weaving,Literary Criticism,Biography/Autobiography,American history,Biography Autobiography,Indigenous peoples,Spinning weaving,Textile artworks

    Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream (Portraits of American Genius) eBook Greg Sarris


    Product details

    • File Size 1314 KB
    • Print Length 178 pages
    • Publisher University of California Press (May 5, 1997)
    • Publication Date September 1, 1994
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B003AU4DNC
    "" [Review ]

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